Charmaine joined Turning Point in December 2018 as a result of a referral from the Needs Assessment and Service Coordination service (NASC) through the Ministry of Health.
Charmaine’s life centred around her family and when her mother passed away she was quite lost and unsure how to cope with things and would get frustrated. Mum did everything for Charmaine, so it quickly became obvious that it would be beneficial for her to enrol with a support agency who could help her to develop coping mechanisms, make new friends outside of the family environment and assist her to become more independent and confident.
Turning Point Coordinator Parvesh worked with Charmaine step by step, making small changes and celebrating her successes along the way. Charmaine began to understand proper ways of dealing with people and learned how to calm herself down if things were upsetting her.
She was given the tools to self-manage her moods and resolve her own negative feelings. She learned what behaviours were acceptable and what were not. She started to make decisions also, one of which was choosing a hairstyle and going to a salon to symbolically “cut off the old Charmaine”.
She has also started to help around home by making her own lunch and helping with the vacuuming/laundry. Parvesh has taught Charmaine how to compare prices of things she wants to buy and she now knows the value of money and tells her coordinator she won’t buy it as it’s too expensive. She now has a wallet and spends money carefully so she knows she has money for an emergency, or for something special to buy.
Charmaine also takes the bus all on her own AND she now works at her voluntary job at the Op Shop in town which makes her very happy.
Her new goals are to learn kapa haka (she loves dancing) and to learn how to cook so she can be more helpful at home. Charmaine cannot wait to join the drama classes for the on stage production Scheduled for later on in the year.
Charmaine says she feels good inside and is happy to make good choices. She is friendly and her confidence is soaring.