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Helping people with a difference to plan their careers, find employment, and provide in-work support. Including a free recruitment service for employers.

Build Independence
Assisting people with disabilities to be valued contributors to their community, helping them to have the confidence, life skills and support of their Whanau to reach their potential.

Socialisation and Connection
A structured, supportive and quiet environment for people with disabilities to access personalised community participation and inclusive opportunities.

Disability Information
We provide free, accurate, up to date and objective information and advice to disabled people, their families, whanau, aiga, caregivers, providers and the general public.
Our Purpose
The community is enriched by the participation of people with diverse abilities
Disability Resource Centre (H.B.) Trust is a Charitable Trust supporting and equipping people to reach their full potential.
We work to promote opportunities for the independence, mobility, and recreation of people with disabilities as well as providing occupational, social and personal opportunities.
We also distribute information and provide assistance to our community and overall foster, encourage and support the work of people with disabilities
People First, Integrity, Empowerment