Your donation would help us to be able to do more for people and to buy more resources.
There are a number of ways you can donate:
Internet Banking
Sending a gift to DRC living life connected via internet banking (use these details):
- Bank Account Number: 03 0642 0261691 04
- Reference: DRCGIFT
Please advise your name, address and donation details on the form below for donation management and tax receipting purposes.
Regular Giving
Via direct debit from your bank account:
Please contact us to be sent a direct debit form using the form below
Via automatic payment (use these details):
- Bank Account: 03 0642 0261691 04
- Reference: DRCAP
Please advise your name, address and donation details on the form below for donation management and tax receipting purposes.
Leave a Bequest
To find out about leaving a bequest in your Will, contact our General Manager on 06 873 8200 or use the form below
For more information contact our General Manager on 06 873 8200 or use the form below: