Disability Service Contacts
Contacts for groups & organisations working alongside people with disabilities.
Please note: This list may NOT be complete. Contact names and phone numbers do change frequently and we aim to keep this information as up to date as possible. If you notice an error or are aware of a group or organisation that we need to add to this data base, please let the team at DRC living life connected know by emailing information@drchb.org.nz
The content of this page is available in pdf form on request.
- Advisory Groups
- Alarms
- Community Services
- Continence
- Education
- Equipment, Products and Building Modifications
- Government Agencies
- Local Councils
- Specialised Support
- Sport and Recreation
- Transport
Advisory Groups
Central Hawke's Bay - Budget Service 06 858 8196
- 43 Ruataniwha Street, Waipukurau
- Email: manager.chbbudget@xtra.co.nz
Hastings - Budget First 06 878 0530
- 311 Lyndon Rd East, Hastings
- Email: hastings.budget@xtra.co.nz
- Website: cab.org.nz
- Facebook: citizensadvicenz
Hastings 06 878 0525
- 112 Queen St East, Hastings
- Email: hastings@cab.org.nz
Napier 06 835 9664
- 18 Bower Street, Napier
- Email: napier@cab.org.nz
Wairoa 06 838 7268
- 208 Marine Parade, Wairoa
- Email: wairoa@cab.org.nz
Ellie MacKay 06 871 5000
- Email: elliem@hdc.govt.nz
Local holistic healthcare practitioners
- Email: hbcollaborative@gmail.com
Napier 06 834 1815
- Health Education Resource Centre, Napier Health Centre, Wellesley Rd, Napier
- Website: healthed.govt.nz
Health Hawkes Bay (LTD) 06 871 5646
- Cnr Omahu Rd, 100 Mcleod St, Hastings
- Email: support@healthhb.co.nz
- Website: healthhb.co.nz
Jude Henderson, Blind Low Vision NZ 06 835 3750
NASC—Needs Assessment and Service Coordination 0800 339 449
- Hawkes Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital Entrance via McLeod St, Gate no 9, Hastings 4120
- Email: NASC.HB@hbdhb.govt.nz
- Website: nznasca.co.nz
Road Safe Hawkes Bay 06 835 2633
- Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, 159 Dalton St, Napier
- Email: roadsafe@hbrc.govt.nz
- Website: roadsafehb.org.nz
- Facebook: RoadSafeHawkesBay
Ngaire 027 814 2249
St John Medical Alarms 0800 785 646
- Website: stjohn.org.nz
- Email: enquiries@stjohn.org.nz
- Facebook: StJohnNewZealand
Securely 0800 865 865
- Email: info@securely.nz
- Website: securely.nz
Security Alert ADT 0800 111 238
- Phone: 027 6877 304
- Email: sharon@securityalert.co.nz
- Website: adtsecurity.co.nz
Community Services
Access Community Health 08000 284 663
- 3 Martin Place Havelock North 4130
- Email: info@access.org.nz
- Website: access.org.nz
Community Connections 06 844 5690
- 17 Lee Road, Taradale 4112
- Email: info@ccslt.org.nz
- Website: ccslt.org.nz
- Facebook: communityconnectionssupport
Disability Information Advisory Service 06 873 8210
- 204 Nelson St South, Hastings
- Email: information@drchb.org.nz
- Website: drchb.org.nz
Disability Resource Centre HB Trust 06 873 8210
- 204 Nelson St South, Hastings
- Email: information@drchb.org.nz
- Website: drchb.org.nz
- Facebook: drchb
DTS Epic Pathways 027 582 4139
- 18-26 Bower St, Napier
- Email: donna@dtsnapier.org.nz
- Website:
Earth Gardens 06 834 4010
- 57 Sandy Rd, RD3, Meeanee, Napier
- Email: info@earthgardens.org.nz
- Website: earthgardens.org.nz
Enable 0800 362 253 (0800 ENABLE)
- 1st Floor/585 Main Street, Palmerston North
- Email: enable@enable.co.nz
- Website: enable.co.nz
- Facebook: EnableNZ
Evolve 06 876 4948
- 1001 Frederick St, Hastings
- Email: amandeep.sandhu@evolverehab.co.nz
- Website: evolverehab.co.nz/hastings
Healthcare NZ 0800 002 722
- 1 Wright Street, Ahuriri, Napier
- Email: info@healthcarenz.co.nz
- Website: healthcarenz.co.nz
- Facebook: HealthCareNZ
Hearing Hawke’s Bay 06 835 7790
- Ground Floor, Willis Building, 64 Dickens Street Napier.
Hohepa Homes 06 870 0426
- 363 Main Road, Clive
- Email: office.clive@hohepa.com
- Website: hohepa.com
- Facebook: HawkesBay.Hohepa
Idea Services Hawkes Bay 0800 442 442
- 105 King Street South, Hastings
- Email: hawkes.bay@idea.org.nz
- Website: idea.org.nz
- Facebook: ideaservicesnz
Mash Trust 0800 627 4878
- 415 Saint Aubyn Street West, Hastings
- Email: enquire@mashtrust.org.nz
- Website: mashtrust.org.nz
Paul Hunter Centre CHB 06 858 8192
- 29 Ruataniwha Street, Waipukurau
- Email: paul.hunter@xtra.co.nz
- Website: paulhuntercentre.org.nz
- Facebook: paulhuntercentreinc
Presbyterian Support East Coast 06 877 8193
- 87 Te Mata Rd, Havelock Nth 4157
- Email: admin@psec.org.nz
- Website: psec.org.nz
- Facebook: PresbyterianSupportEastCoast
- Instagram: instagram.com/presbyteriansupport_ec
- LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/presbyterian-support-east-coast
Enliven Disability 06 844 4636
- 429/a Gloucester St, Taradale, Napier
- Email: enlivendisability@psec.org.nz
- Website: psec.org.nz
Mosaic Creative Space 06 844 4636
- 429/a Gloucester St, Taradale, Napier
- Email: enlivendisability@psec.org.nz
- Website: psec.org.nz
- Facebook:
Residential Services - Rowan House 06 844 4636
- 429/a Gloucester Street, Taradale, Napier
- Email: enlivendisability@psec.org.nz
- Website: psec.org.nz
- Facebook: PresbyterianSupportEastCoast
Pukeora Trust CHB 06 858 6311
- 11 Marlborough St, Waipukurau
- Email: pukeora.trust@xtra.co.nz
Roopu A Iwi Trust/ Life Buddy programme 06 843 1590
- Maraenui Shopping Centre, 32 Bledisloe Rd Maraenui, Napier
- Email: rooputrust@xtra.co.nz
- Website: rait.co.nz
Strive Rehabilitation 027 254 3915
- EIT, 501 Gloucester St, Taradale
- Email: jmintoft@strivehb.org.nz
- Website: striverehabilitationhb.org.nz
What Ever It Takes Trust 06 835 2154
- 34 West Quay, Ahuriri, Napier
- Email: team@witservices.co.nz
- Website: witservices.co.nz
Workbridge 0508 858 858
- 94 Station St, Napier
- Email: hawkesbay@workbridge.co.nz
- Website: workbridge.co.nz
- Facebook: wbemploymentservices
Continence NZ 0800 650 659
- Email: info@continence.org.nz
- Website: continence.org.nz
Continence—SPQ Ltd 0800 834 983
- Email: customerservice@spq.co.nz
- 501 Gloucester St, Taradale, Napier
- Email: info@eit.ac.nz
- Website: eit.ac.nz
- Facebook: eithawkesbay
Fairhaven School 06 844 2212
- 30B Meeanee Rd, Taradale
- Email: admin@fairhaven.net.nz
- Website: fairhaven.net.nz
- Facebook: FairhavenSchoolNapier
Kowhai Special School 06 878 3506
- 407 Hastings St South, Hastings
- Email: admin@kowhaispecial.school.nz
- Website: kowhaispecial.school.nz
- Facebook: kowhaispecialschool
Land Based Training 0508 872 466
- Warren Street North, Hastings
- Email: info@landbasedtraining.co.nz
- Website: landbasedtraining.co.nz
- Facebook: landbasedtrainingltd
Learning Innovations 06 870 9281
- 215 Railway Rd, Hastings
- Email: inquiries@learninginnovations.ac.nz
- Facebook: LearningInnovations
Equipment, Products and Building Modifications
Acorn Stairlifts 0800 782 404
Free brochure + quotes available for stairlifts
- Website: acornstairlifts.co.nz
Bay Vehicle Modifications 06 878 6664
- Cnr Austin Street & Lipton Place, Onekawa,
- Email: info@bayvehiclemods.co.nz
- Website: bayvehiclemods.co.nz
Tu Brightwell Builders 027 294 2796
- Phone: 06 878 4198
Colin Price Builder 021 416 295
Covers Hawkes Bay
Jim Taylor 021 733 609
- Email: jim@jwtbuilders.co.nz
Colin Oliver Builder - CHB 021 124 9544
- Phone: 06 858 8955
Care Pharmacy 06 878 8555
- 307 St Aubyn Street West, Hastings
- Email: info@carehastings.co.nz
- Website: carehastings.co.nz
Easie Living 06 353 2743
- 585 Main St, Palmerston North
- Email: enquiries@easieliving.co.nz
- Website: easieliving.co.nz
- Facebook: easielivingNZ
Hastings Health Centre Pharmacy 06 873 8999
- 303 St Aubyn Street West, Hastings
- Website: hastingshealth.co.nz/special-services/the-pharmacy
Mobilities HB—Wheelchair Repairs 06 878 8655
- Unit 5/200 Charles Street Hastings
- Email: service@mobilitieshb.co.nz
Mobility Centre—Life Unlimited 0800 243 866
- 345 Heretaunga Street West, Hastings
- Email: hastings@mobilitycentre.co.nz
- Website: mobilitycentre.co.nz
- Facebook: mobilitycentrenz
Mobility Plus Hawkes Bay—Wheelchair/Scooter Rentals and Sales 0800 762 682
Sales and Rentals of Scooters and Wheelchairs
- Email: mobilityplushb@xtra.co.nz
- Website: mobilityplushb.co.nz
Mr Rental 0800 111 313
Rentals of Power Lift Recliner Chairs
- 106 Southland Road, Hastings
- Website: mrrental.co.nz
Tableau Towbars 06 842 2257
- 9a Sheffield Place, Onekawa, Napier, 4110
- Email: info@tableautowbars.co.nz
- Website: tableautowbars.co.nz
- Facebook: tableautowbars
Government Agencies
- Website: acc.co.nz
Claims 0800 101 996
- Email: claims@acc.co.nz
Providers 0800 222 070
- Email: providerhelp@acc.co.nz
Kainga Ora—Housing NZ 0800 801 601
- Tuhinapo House, Level 1, 245 Tennyson Street, Napier
- Email: enquiries1@kaingaora.govt.nz
- Website: kaingaora.govt.nz
Ministry of Education – Learning Support 0508 757 575
- 8a Lever St Ahuriri Napier 4110
- Email: enquiries.HBTairawhiti@education.govt.nz
- Website: education.govt.nz
Superannuation Line 0800 552 002
Community Services Card Centre 0800 999 999
Super Gold Card Centre 0800 254 565
Senior Services Residential Line 0800 999 727
Working For Families Enquiries (IRD) 0800 227 773
Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand Te Matau a Maui Hawke’s Bay (HBDHB) 06 878 8109
- Email: callcentre@hbdhb.govt.nz
- Website: hawkesbay.health.nz
- Facebook: HealthNZTeMatauaMauiHawkesBay
Main Hospital:
Omahu Rd Hastings
Napier Health Centre
- 76 Wellesley Rd, Napier
Work & Income NZ 0800 559 009
- Website: workandincome.govt.nz
Local Councils
Central Hawkes Bay District Council 06 857 8060
- Ruataniwha St, Waipawa
- Email: customerservice@chbdc.govt.nz
- Facebook: CHBDistrictCouncil
Hastings District Council 06 871 5000
- 207 Lyndon Rd East, Hastings
- Email: customerservice@hdc.govt.nz
- Website: hastingsdc.govt.nz
Hawkes Bay Regional Council 06 835 9200
- 159 Dalton Street, Napier
- Website: hbrc.govt.nz
- Email: info@hbrc.govt.nz
Napier City Council 06 835 7579
- 215 Hastings St, Napier 4110
- Email: info@napier.govt.nz
- Website: napier.govt.nz
- Facebook: NapierCityCouncil
Community Strategies
Specialised Support
Access Legal Solutions 06 870 6244
John Grove 06 870 6244
- 103 Frimley Ave, Frimley, Hastings
- Email: alsnz@xtra.co.nz
- Website: alsnz.org.nz
Central Hawke’s Bay Office 06 858 9158
- 17 Ruataniwha St, Waipukurau
- Phone: 0800 652 105
- Email: chb@ageconcernhb.co.nz
Flaxmere Office 06 879 7003
- 38 Bristol Crescent Flaxmere 4120
- Phone: 0800 652 105
- Email: info@ageconcernflax.co.nz
Hastings Office 06 870 9060
- 415 Heretaunga St East Hastings 4122
- Phone: 0800 652 105
- Email: manager@ageconcernhb.co.nz
Napier Office 06 842 1346
- 98 Taradale Road Napier
- Phone: 0800 243 266
- Email: napier@ageconcernhb.org.nz
Wairoa Office 06 838 8678
- 66 Carroll Street, Wairoa
- Phone: 0800 243 266
- Email: acwai@xtra.co.nz
Hawkes Bay Elder Abuse Response Service 06 870 9060
- Phone: 022 533 4293
Allergy NZ 0800 340 800
- Website: allergy.org.nz
Altogether Autism 0800 273 463
- Email: info@altogetherautism.org.nz
- Website: altogetherautism.org.nz
Alzheimer’s NZ 0800 004 001
- Website: alzheimers.org.nz
Amputees Federations of NZ 027 855 4178
- Email: gr.vljones@xtra.co.nz
- Website: amputee.co.nz
- Facebook: AmputeeSocietyHawkesBayEastCoastInc
Anxiety New Zealand Trust 0800 269 4389
- Email: reception@anxiety.org.nz
- Website: anxiety.org.nz
Arthritis New Zealand 0800 663 463
L2,120 Featherston St, Wellington 6011
- Email: info@arthritis.org.nz
- Website: arthritis.org.nz
Association of Blind Citizens of NZ 0800 222 694
National Office
- Email: admin@abcnz.org.nz
- Website: abcnz.org.nz
Sharron 027 255 8596
- Email: bayautismsupport@xtra.co.nz
Big Brothers and Sisters 021 066 3930
- Email: hawkesbay@bbbs.nz
- Website: bigbrothersbigsistershawkesbay.org.nz
- Facebook: BigBrothersBigSistersHawkesBay
Birthright Hawke’s Bay 06 835 2162
Toll Free: 0800 457 146
- 6B Taradale Road, Napier
- Email: admin@birthrighthb.org.nz
- Website: birthrighthb.org.nz
Blind Low Vision NZ 0800 243 333
- 65 Thackeray Street, Napier
- Email: napieradmin@blindlowvision.org.nz
- Website: blindlowvision.org.nz
- Facebook: BlindLowVisionNZ
Brain Injury Assn HB 06 878 6875
- 405C King St Nth, Hastings
- Email: manager@braininjuryhb.co.nz
- Email: administration@braininjuryhb.co.nz
- Email: support@braininjuryhb.co.nz
- Email: educator@braininjuryhb.co.nz
- Website: braininjuryhb.co.nz
- Facebook: BrainInjuryHB
Breathe Hawkes Bay 0800 278 462
- 199 Dickens St, Napier
- Phone: 06 835 0018
- Email: admin@breathehb.co.nz
- Website: breathehb.co.nz
- Facebook: breathehb
Cancer Society Inc HB 0800 226 237
- 801 Francis Hicks Avenue, Hastings
- Phone: 06 876 7638
- Email: enquiries.hb@cancercd.org.nz
- Website: cancernz.org.nz
- Facebook: CancerSocietyHB
CCS Disability Action 0800 227 2255
- 124 Station St. (corner Station & Munroe Streets). Napier
- Phone: 06 834 0499
- Email: thb@ccsDisabilityAction.org.nz
- Website: ccsdisabilityaction.org.nz
- Website: ccsdisabilityaction.org.nz/mobility-parking
- Facebook: CCSDisabilityAction
Central Connect CHB 06 858 9891
- 125 Ruataniwha Street, Waipukurau
- Email: reception@centralconnect.co.nz
- Website: centralconnect.co.nz
- Facebook: Central-Connect-Whare-Manaaki-
Centrecare Community Trust 06 843 2408
- 10 Husheer Pl, Onekawa
- Email: info@centrecare.org.nz
- Website: centrecare.org.nz
Cerebral Palsy Society 0800 503 603
- Email: cpsociety@cpsociety.org.nz
- Website: cerebralpalsy.org.nz
- Facebook: cpsocietynz
Child Cancer Foundation 027 432 0307
Family Support Manager
- Email: shansen@childcancer.org.nz
- Website: childcancer.org.nz
Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and Energy Limiting Illness Hawke’s Bay 0800 651 122
- Phone: 021 0247 6595
- Email: Me.cfs.hawkesbay@gmail.com
- Facebook: CysticFibrosisNZ
Cranford Hospice 06 878 7047
- Corner of Knight & King Streets, Hastings
- Email: reception@cranfordhospice.org.nz
- Website: cranfordhospice.org.nz
- Facebook: CranfordHospice
Deaf Aotearoa Hawkes Bay 0800 332 322
- Tower Building, 215 Railway Road, Hastings
Lee Bullivant, Facilitator Mobile (Text Only) 021 459 005
- Email: lee.bullivant@deaf.org.nz
- Website: deaf.org.nz
- Facebook: deafaotearoanz
- Email: admin@dementiahb.org.nz
- Website: dementiahb.org.nz
- Facebook: dementiahawkesbay
Hastings 06 878 7502
- 106 Windsor Avenue, Hastings
Napier 06 834 0417
- 1 Wilding Avenue, Marewa Napier
Diabetes NZ 0800 342 238
- Email: info@diabetes.org.nz
- Website: diabetes.org.nz
- Facebook: diabetesnz
Disabled Persons Assembly 04 801 9100
- Email: comms@dpa.org.nz
- Website: dpa.org.nz
- Facebook: dpa.nz.7
Dove Hawkes Bay 0800 368 342
- 102-104 Russell Street, Hastings
- Phone: 06 843 5307
- Email: admin@dovehb.org.nz
- Website: dovehb.org.nz
- Facebook: doveHB
Local Parent Support 0800 693 724
- Email: zone3@nzdsa.org.nz
- Website: NZDSA.org.nz
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/509878372429628
Emerge Aotearoa 06 843 5118
- 57 Bill Hercock St, Pirimai, Napier
- Email: info@emergeaotearoa.org.nz
- Website: emergeaotearoa.org.nz
- Facebook: emergeaotearoacareers
Epilepsy Association 0800 374 537
- 7 Lee Road, Taradale, Napier
- Phone: 06 835 5537
- Email: hawkesbay@epilepsy.org.nz
- Website: epilepsy.org.nz/hawkes-bay-gisborne
First Hand Rehab Napier 06 835 2302
- 61 Georges Drive, Napier South, Napier
- Email: enquiries@firsthandrehab.co.nz
- Website: firsthandrehab.co.nz
First Hand Rehab-CHB 06 858 7802
- 41 Russell Street, Waipukurau, CHB
- Email: enquiries@firsthandrehab.co.nz
- Website: firsthandrehab.co.nz
Health and Disability Advocacy Services 0800 555 050
Napier Branch 06 835 1640
- Email: advocate@advocacy.org.nz
- Website: advocacy.org.nz
- Facebook: NATAdvocacyNZ
Hearing Hawkes Bay 0800 233 445
- Website: hearing.org.nz
- Facebook: napierhearing
Napier 06 835 7790
- Ground Floor, Willis House, 64 Dickens St, Napier
- Email: napier@hearing.org.nz
Hearing Therapy—Life Unlimited 0800 008 011
- 1003a Tomoana Road, Mahora, Hastings
- Email: hearing@lifeunlimited.net.nz
- Website: lifeunlimited.net.nz/hearing
- Facebook: lifeunlimitednz
Heart Foundation HB 0800 863 375
- 76 Wellesley Road, Napier
- Email: donnac@heartfoundation.org.nz
- Website: heartfoundation.org.nz
- Facebook: HeartNZ
Heart Kids 0800 543 943
Family Support Worker HB 021 282 0787
- Contact: hawkesbay.fsw@heartnz.org.nz
- Contact: hawkesbay.ssc@heartnz.org.nz
- Website: heartkids.org.nz
Heretaunga Women’s Centre 06 878 5401
- Corner Eastbourne and Russell Streets, Hastings
- Email: admin@hwc.nz
- Website: heretaungawomenscentre.nz
- Facebook: Heretaungawomenscentre
Huntington’s Disease Association – Napier Advisor 027 333 1572
- Email: Hawkesbayhda@gmail.com
- Website: huntingtons.org.nz
National NZ Sign Language Interpreter Service 0800 934 683
- Email: bookings@isign.co.nz
- Phone: Text 3359
- Website: iSign.co.nz
Irlen Diagnostic Clinic 06 876 3777
- 116 Russell Street South, Hastings
- Email: m.eagle@visique.co.nz
- Website: aaic.nz
Lifeline Aotearoa 0800 543 354
- Email: info@lifeline.org.nz
- Website: lifeline.org.nz
- Facebook: lifelineaotearoa
Meals on Wheels 06 834 1836
- Hawkes Bay DHB, 398 Omahu Road, Hastings
- Email: mealsonwheels@hbdhb.govt.nz
Multiple Sclerosis HB 06 835 8542
- 174 Hyderabad Road, Napier
- Website: msnz.org.nz
- Website: hawkesbaymultiplesclerosis.org
- Facebook: MSHawkesbay
Central Region 0800 886 626
- Email: info.central@mda.nz
- Website: mda.org.nz
- Facebook: MDANationalOffice
Napier Family Centre 06 843 7280
- Corner Morris Spence Avenue & Wycliffe Street, Onekawa, Napier
- Email: info@napierfamilycentre.org.nz
- Website: napierfamilycentre.org.nz
- Facebook: Napierfamilycentre
Nationwide Health & Disability Advocacy 0800 555 050
- Phone: 06 835 1640
- Email: advocacy@hdc.org.nz
- Website: hdc.org.nz
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NATAdvocacyNZ
Neurological Foundation 0508 272 467
- Email: info@neurological.org.nz
- Website: neurological.org.nz
- Facebook: neurologicalfnz
Open Home Foundation 06 878 6682
- 306 Nelson St South, Hastings
- Email: hawkesbay@ohf.org.nz
- Website: ohf.org.nz
- Facebook: OpenHomeFoundation
President Hugh Thornton 06 877 1553
- Email: hughandnorma@xtra.co.nz
- Website: ostomy.org.nz
- Facebook: ostomysupportnz
Jill Fallowfield 020 4011 8711
- Email: jillf@parent2parent.org.nz
- Website: parent2parent.org.nz
- Facebook: parenttoparenthawkesbay
Parkinson HB 06 844 9135
Coordinator ............................................................027 230 3665
- The Taradale Community Rooms, 7 Lee Road, Taradale
- Email: hawkesbay@parkinsons.org.nz
- Email: educator.hb@parkinsons.org.nz
- Website: parkinsons.org.nz
- Facebook: parkinsonsnz
- Email: info@pashb.nz
- Website: peoplesadvocacy.co.nz
Hastings 06 650 6412
- The Tower Building, Level 5, 215 Railway Rd, Hastings
Napier 06 834 0206
- First floor, Bower House, 18 Bower Street, Napier
Personal Advocacy and Safeguarding Adults Trust 0800 728 7878
Hawkes Bay Regional Advocate 022 088 7504
- Email: hawkesbay@PASAT.org.nz
- Email: advocacy@PASAT.org.nz
- Website: patrust.net.nz
- Facebook: PASAT.org.nz
Napier Health 06 834 1815
Flaxmere Community Health 06 879 9440
Central Hawke's Bay Health Centre 06 858 9090
Wairoa Health 06 838 7099
Rare NZ 0800 727 369
NZ Organisation for Rare Disorders
- Email: enquiries@raredisorders.org.nz
- Website: raredisorders.org.nz
- Facebook: RareDisordersNZ
Special Needs HB 06 858 7802
Note: group is closed ‘friend request’ to join the group.
- Facebook: groups/717461818268688
SPELD 0800 773 536
- Email: central@speld.org.nz
- Website: speld.org.nz
- Facebook: SPELDNZ
Strengthening Families 04 918 9281
- 413 Railway Road, Hastings
- Phone: 06 974 4088
- Email: jeannette.mackenzie@ot.govt.nz
- Website: strengtheningfamilies.govt.nz
STROKE Central Hawke’s Bay 06 856 8297
President, Heather Webb
- 844 Main Road SH2, Otane
- Email: heatherwedd00@gmail.com
STROKE Central Region 0800 298 858
- Email: stroke@strokecentral.org.nz
- Website: strokecentral.org.nz
(Hastings Stroke Folk Support Group) 06 870 8994
Tony Hurrelbrinck
- Email: tony.hurrel@gmail.com
Taradale Senior Citizens’ Friendship Centre 06 844 7539
- Email: s.cits10ws@xtra.co.nz
- 10 White St Taradale
Te Kupenga Hauora Ahuriri 06 835 1840
Health Care and Social Services for the whole whānau
- 5 Sale St, Napier
- Email: info@tkh.org.nz
- Website: tkh.org.nz
Te Taiwhenua O Heretaunga 06 871 5350
- 821 Orchard Rd, Hastings
- Email: taiwhenua.heretaunga@ttoh.iwi.nz
- Website: ttoh.iwi.nz
Volunteering Hawke’s Bay 06 391 5476
- Hastings Hive, 200 Market Street Hastings
- Website: vhb.org.nz
Waiapu Anglican Social Services 06 834 0376
- Anglican Administration Centre cnr Raffles & Bower Streets, Napier
- Email: belinda@waiapu.com
- Website: anglicancarewaiapu.nz
Sport and Recreation
- 113 King St South, Hastings
- Email: president@nz-itf.org
- Website: hbitf.org.nz/all-abilities-fitness-gym
- Facebook: allabilitiesfitnessgym
All Abilities Golf 06 873 4484
- Hastings Golf Centre, 120 Kenilworth Road, Hastings
- Email: golf@hgc.co.nz
- Website: golf.co.nz/all-abilities
Sarah 027 513 8321
Evelyn 027 307 2665
- Website: boccia.org.nz
- Facebook: groups/hbboccia
- Facebook: groups/330791298408758
- Email: admin@disabilitysporthb.co.nz
- Website: disabilitysporthb.co.nz
- Facebook: disabilitysporthb
Halberg Foundation 0800 430 3406
Regional Support: Lawrence Wilkinson
- Email: lawrence@halberg.co.nz
- Website: halberg.co.nz
- Facebook: HalbergFoundation
Benjamin Evans 027 857 3045
- 115 King Street South, Hastings
- Website: hbitf.org.nz
- Email: nzitfjoin@gmail.com
Koryo Taekwondo 0800 027 429
- 128 Market Street North, Hastings
- Email: info@koryo.co.nz
- Website: koryo.co.nz
- Facebook: koryoNZ
Hawke's Bay Division 06 870 3990
- Email: ellapolczyk@rmtc.org.nz
- Website: rmtc.org.nz
- Facebook: raukataurimusictherapycentre
Hastings 06 876 9498
- 699 Murdoch Rd East, Hastings
- Email: hastingsrda@nowmail.co.nz
- Website: rdahastings.org.nz
- Facebook: HastingsRDA
Napier 06 834 0556
- 61 Sandy Rd, Meeanee RD3 Napier
- Email: napierrda@gmail.com
- Website: napierrda.co.nz
- Facebook: napier.rda
- Email: molly@senserugby.co.nz
- Website: senserugby.com.au
Sensory Haven 4 Kids 027 925 5555
- Email: sensoryhaven4kids@gmail.com
- Website: sensoryhaven4kids.com
- Facebook: sensoryhaven4kids
Neil Blake, Chairperson 06 873 3160
- Phone: 027 891 5161
- Email: chair.hbso@gmail.com
- Regional Support, Ben Wallace
- Phone: 027 330 0710
- Email: inersc@specialolympics.org.nz
- Website: specialolympics.org.nz
- Facebook: SpecialOlympicsHawkesBay
Sport Hawkes Bay 06 845 9333
- Sports House, Pettigrew Green Arena. 480 Gloucester St. Taradale, Napier
- Email: blanchep@sporthb.net.nz
- Website: sporthb.net.nz
- Facebook: SportHB
Stable Hearts 027 576 8082
- 1810 Pakowhai Road, Hastings
- Email: stablehearts@outlook.com
- Website: stablehearts.co.nz
StarJam 09 300 6257
HB Coordinator Warwick Maguire 022 603 2169
- Email: hawkesbay@starjam.org
- Facebook: StarJam
- Website: starjam.org
- Email: paula@yourownyoga.co.nz
- Website: yourownyoga.co.nz
- Facebook: yourownyoganz
1/2 Price Cabs 06 974 4444
Baywide Taxi’s 0800 885 533
Bruno’s Mobility Services 06 843 8478
Bruno or Carolyn
- Phone: 027 255 3203
Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga, Waipukurau 0800 153 240
Viv's Taxi Service 027 211 3663
Red Cross 06 858 5285
Driving Miss Daisy 0800 948 432
- Website: drivingmissdaisy.co.nz
- Facebook: DrivingMissDaisyNZ
Driving Miss Daisy Napier 06 835 5010
- Phone: 021 503 174
- Email: napier@drivingmissdaisy.co.nz
Driving Miss Daisy Havelock North 06 877 0363
- Phone: 027 498 8383
- Email: havelocknth@drivingmissdaisy.co.nz
Driving Miss Daisy Taradale 06 844 0620
- Phone: 021 465 335
- Email: taradale@drivingmissdaisy.co.nz
Driving Miss Daisy Hastings 06 878 5029
- Phone: 027 234 6017
- Email: hastings@drivingmissdaisy.co.nz
Freedom Companion Driving 06 870 3604
Phone 027 269 3604
- Email: hastings@freedomdrivers.co.nz
- Website: freedomdrivers.co.nz
- Facebook: Freedomdrivers
Hastings Taxi’s 0800 875 055
- Phone: 06 878 5055
- Email: admin@hastingstaxis.co.nz
- Website: hastingstaxis.co.nz
Hawkes Bay Combined Taxi’s 0800 627 437
- Email: admin@hbcombinedtaxis.co.nz
- Website: hawkesbaytaxis.nz
- Phone: 06 835 7777
Mobility Parking Permits 0800 227 2255
Monique Driving you 06 877 7807
- Email: monique@drivingyou.co.nz
- Website: drivingyou.co.nz
- Facebook: moniquedrivingyou
Pink Total Transport 06 835 5300
Janet & Bruce Raitt
- Email: info@pinktotaltransport.co.nz
- Website: pinktotaltransport.co.nz
Top Drive Driving School 027 443 7736
Linda Satherley
- Email: linda@topdrivenapier.co.nz
- Website: topdrivenapier.co.nz
Total Mobility Scheme 06 833 8087
- HB Regional Council, 159 Dalton St, Napier
- Email: totalmobility@hbrc.govt.nz
- Website: hbrc.govt.nz/services/transport/total-mobility
Viv’s Taxi Service 2023 027 211 3663
- Email: vcdts2023@gmail.com
- Facebook: VivsCompanionDriverService