
blair potteryBlair is a 43 year old gentleman with an intellectual disability and is on the autism spectrum. He has been a client of DRC living life connected for over 22 years and with Scopze since 2015.

Blair attends Scopze three days a week and Idea Services Day Service for the other two days. Blair lives in a supported living situation during the week and goes home in the weekends. He is a very proud uncle to his nephews and nieces who all call him Uncky Blair.

During his time with us, Blair participates in a number of activities such as the gym, where he follows a set programme, Sit and Be Fit at Age Concern, and Learning Innovations for Literacy and Numeracy. He is also working alongside other clients making a diorama that will eventually fill up the whole of the Scopze garage space. He loves singing and going on outings.

Blair is very interested in people, is a very kind person and loves giving his time to help others. He is always the first to volunteer if there is an opportunity to do so in the community.

Blair volunteers at the Cancer Society where he washes their fleet cars weekly and is an active member of CPNZ, Hastings Community Patrol, where he delivers pamphlets for the Police in areas that are being targeted with burglaries. He also Patrols the Hastings area in the CPNZ patrol car with other patrollers. A long-standing joke between Clients and Staff is that “Blair is off to help the Police with their enquiries, again”.

Blair is a lovely person who is always ready to assist staff and clients and is relied on by both. He has a phenomenal memory and is able to recall events accurately.