Success Story: John

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Interview conducted by Mark Palmer, Employment Consultant, Network Personnel, with John, who is celebrating his first 12 months continuous work in his job

First of all, congratulations on completing 12 months employment.

I began by asking John what the best thing is about working at HB Caravan Sales. He told me:

John“I enjoy the variety of work. I’ve learned some new skills, like how to decorate the inside of a camper van, sanding and painting. Before this, I’d only done house painting, but now I can strip down the interiors of the caravans as required, and do the painting and cleaning and getting caravans ready for sale.

I also have enjoyed learning how to drive some of the big campervans and get them into position on the yard for display and that sort of thing.

I’ve learned how to do some simple maintenance, like replacing vents and sealing them, replacing doors and making everything watertight. I would never have learned this anywhere else – because that’s what we do here. Learning these things is important because then I can do more things around the yard.

Sometimes I’m working with the help of the boss, and other times I work on my own, and then he checks and makes sure I’ve done it right.

I do washing of the vehicles, and I’ve learned the best way to do it, which is better and faster than the way I washed things before.”

JohnI asked him what his work mates are like.

“There’s one work mate and the boss. They’re great to work with, when I need help. And I help them, so we work as a team. The boss keeps me on my feet – there’s never a dull moment and he gives me lots of things to do.

When asked what working has done for him personally and how it has changed his life, John was pleased to tell me that “Working has given me a bit more money to pay bills, which is great, but more than the money side of things, it’s given me something to focus on and keep me occupied. What matters most is having a job to support a family and have something to do with my time. It keeps me out of trouble!

And also it’s helpful to my overall health to keep me more active and to get out more. I’m not sitting around – I’m out walking around and doing stuff and being active. Going up and down ladders helps my fitness too – that’s another blessing from this job.”

I enquired if working had helped John’s mental health.

“Yes my mental health has improved since I’ve been here – because I’m focusing on things I enjoy here, like giving the caravans makeovers. I’m proud to tell people I’m working and enjoying it, and it helps my self-esteem.”

I asked how John had contributed to making improvements since he started here. He was proud to tell me “Over the last 12 months, I believe I’ve helped improve the quality of cleanliness, appearance and presentation of the yard – doing the lawns and weeding with the weed-eater, clearing up all the rubbish when I see it, and putting it in the bins.

Picking up cardboard boxes and putting them in the recycling, moving stuff that’s in the way of customers’ viewpoints to make things look more clean. Make it look presentable for the customers so they want to get a caravan”

I ended the interview by asking John if his life is better now than before, when he wasn’t working.

“Yes! My life is much better than before, because I can wake up in the morning and have something to look forward to – going to work and doing something that I enjoy. I’ve improved my speed, my self-esteem, and I like to go the extra mile to try and find things that need to be done.

Well done John on your first 12 months as a valued employee – may there be many more!