How we can help
Turning Point is funded by MSD to assist people with disabilities to access their communities and be empowered to become independent.
Depending on individual needs, Turning Point Coordinators develop a range of activities to assist with goals to empower people with a difference to lead a fulfilling life.
The Turning Point Coordinators are based at the Disability Resource Centre and it is here that some activities such as cooking and Makaton classes take place. It is important to note that the Turning Point Service is not a day service or day base. Each client has an individual timetable of activities and will come into the centre when these are running – alternatively, depending on their capabilities, they may like to meet us directly at the planned activity, for example 10-pin bowling.
Timetables are reviewed on an 8 weekly basis through consultation with the person we are supporting and any other interested parties.
Once a client feels they no longer need our support they become “friends of DRC” and can come in occasionally and have a cuppa with their friends. Their spot is then taken over by another client who will benefit from using the service.