ACC – Living My Life Services

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DRC living life connected supports ACC’s “Living my Life” Service. 

We provide:

Facilitated Pathway Map
a short-term support intervention for clients who would benefit from a co-design approach to create a visual map; by exploring what is important to them, their aspirations and life journey.

Tailored Supports
an episode of delivery of disability support for clients who would benefit from a capability (strengths-based) approach to facilitate increased engagement and participation across all areas of their life, including employment, transitions into adulthood and activities

Principles of Living my Life Service:

The following principles reflect ACC’s commitment to supporting clients to gain and maintain a greater level of participation.

Person-directed – E Anga ana ki te Tangata The person has choice and control about supports and providers needed to facilitate participation in their chosen roles and activities

Whole of life – Te Oranga Katoa The person’s supports are tailored to encompass the changes in roles and experiences that take place across a person’s life journey

Connectivity – Ngā Tūhononga The person’s supports focus on engagement and the supports are provided in the communities that are meaningful to the person and their family/whānau

Embracing diversity – Te whakanui i te matahuhuatanga o te tangata The person’s supports are tailored to recognise and respect their own identity and diverse values and the values of their family/whānau and community

Citizenship – Te manaporitanga The person has self-determination that supports their full participation, inclusion and leadership in life, as a citizen.

Disability Support philosophy:

Each person who has a significant impairment or disability will experience unique impacts on how they live their lives. ACC and DRC living life connected will minimise systemic barriers to the client being able to exercise choice and control of their services, support and funding. Being person directed ensures ACC is investing in building client capability to have choice and control and sector capacity to enable client capability.

Outcomes focused
The Living my Life services are provided by DRC living life connected staff who are experienced in understanding the lived experience of people with disabilities and their family/whānau. DRC living life connected will work with the client and their family/whānau to achieve outcomes that are meaningful to them. Being outcomes focused ensures the right mix of support to improve skills and capability towards full participation and inclusion, and reduce over-reliance on formal support.

Empowers engagement and participation
The client, their family/whānau will work in partnership with ACC and DRC living life connected as their chosen provider to create innovative solutions to achieve participation outcomes. Empowering participation ensures clients build local, real and sustainable networks of support.

Minimises the impact of disability
DRC living life connected will work in partnership with local, cultural, community and employment networks to enable social inclusion and citizenship. Building local networks ensures people can live an everyday life