Our Process
The SCOPZE Respite Activity Service is dependent on donations and funding from those attending the service. Referrals are made to the Scopze Supervisor by DRC staff from the Turning Point division. If referral comes from the public, funding for providing this service would need to be discussed. The Scopze Supervisor will meet with the person who requires the service, and their support person if relevant. A suitable individualised programme will be developed should the person wish to access the service.
1. Referral
- Need arises, person requiring day services.
- Referrals can be made from private individuals, HBDHB, MOH or ACC.
2. Assess
- Does person require personal care?
- Is funding available?
3. Visit to SCOPZE Day Service
- Are Family/Care providers happy with SCOPZE, and opportunities offered?
4. Person commences service
- Individualised programme of activities developed.
- Activities both at centre and in community, depending on needs
5. On-going support
- Families/Care providers are kept informed of activities and progress of person.