Disabled people are experts in their own lives and with information and facilitation to find their pathways they are confident and exercise full autonomy.

It is when people first encounter disability in their life or the life of someone close to them that they can feel bewildered and powerless. Making sure information is available to them right from the start, and later as they need it, is vital. They may also need assistance to process that information which our Community Support Facilitators can provide.

Community Support Facilitators recognise that disabled people are all uniquely different. By listening to their voice and following their lead we can ensure their pathway leads to what is a good life for them.

Being able to achieve goals such as to care for a pet, take up a hobby, go flatting, study, work, participate in activities in the community are possible. The Community Support Facilitators enhance the possibilities because it is the person making their own choices.

Mainstream services are embedded in communities alongside our centre who work with them to help ensure they are accessible to all people. The Community Support Facilitators will support people to access the mainstream services of their choice and know how to respond if they believe their rights are not being respected.

People gain strength and confidence from the knowledge they gain from our services and from each other. They participate in their communities as valued and respected members. Their cultural needs are respected and catered for by carefully listening to then aligning services that are appropriate for their needs.

Our services are easy to use because disabled people are guiding service development. Clients value their time with a Community Support Facilitator who can help them to confidently and easily access the services they want to use.

Linking people with each other and with their communities enhances the building of relationships. Those who choose our service will absolutely find opportunities to build relationships as they explore their communities and participate in community building.

Get Involved

You can make a difference in someone’s life by getting involved with the Disability Resource Centre. You can do this with a donation or by simply volunteering your time.